Friday, December 14, 2012

Last days in Heidelberg...

I don´t think I have fully crasped it yet...but with my last exams next friday, the theoretical part of my studies here in Heidelberg will finally end...still a strange thing. So here are some pictures of a saturday afternoon walk with beautiful light....

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Snow in fall

On saturday, i woke up to october (!!!). I cant remember having had snow around here this early actually feels quite early since the trees are still showing off their beautiful foliage, not ready for a cover of snow. Nonetheless, temperatures dropped considerably this weekend, so i happily unpacked my scarfs and hats and enjoyed a beautiful sunday afternoon with hot chocolate and friends.

Friday, September 28, 2012

To Bordeaux, with love!

Bordeaux, mon amour, I´ve missed you....a few impressions of the short but wonderful vacation this summer!
Thanks to Amélie and Agathe for the most amazing time!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Florence - weekend escape

Finally in Florence - capital of art and architecture. Admittedly, architecture-wise, a stroll through town ressembles an open-air museum.
From the Piazza Michelangelo one gets a nice view on the hills of Tuscany and a beautiful view on the city, especially at sunset. Under the burning summer heat, this is also a nice escape from the city with some fresh air. Florence radiates some majestic ambiance with all the monuments and sculptures by the most famous of all Italian artists. The monuments were also radiating an immense summer heat these days which made an occasional Aperol Sprizz very necessary :-)
However, apart from the touristic buzz, Florence has a lot more to offer - random little antique markets, lots of bookstalls (if only i knew italian), little cafés where everyone gets his or her espresso in the morning and farmers markets with the best cheese.
I´ve learned never to order a cappuccino after 11 a.m., apparently coffee with milk is considered a breakfast and may only be consumed before lunch time, therefore, to avoid displaying the the touristy ignorance, rather order an espresso during the day :-)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Where a spirit of wisdom strikes you with every step you take...

Upon our arrival we felt the cloud of knowledge and wisdom surrounding us...knowledge written down in thousands of books evaporated from the thick college wallls, wisdom of famous graduates floated in the air when walking down the aisles of a college court and in the beautiful gardens one could easily imagine a young philosopher sitting on a bench, pondering about Kant´s ethics.
Oxford had its charm on me...a prestigious and privileged place yet so authentic that one is tempted to grab a book, find a chair in the old libraries and immerge oneselft into a philosophical or mathematical problem, soaking up the energy of the place...
Have a look!