Thursday, February 21, 2013

Further along the road: Spitzkoppe

Further up north in Namibia, the beautiful rock formations of Spitzkoppe - this area was roamed by hunting bush men who followed the tracks of the animals. Paintings on the rocks, some of them a few thousand years old, were used as a communication system between the different bush men tribes. Some animals, more than others, track down water holes, so painting a rhino symbolized a water hole in the proximity since rhino mamas leave there babies in the bush and run down to a water hole to find fresh water. Lions, on the other hand, indicated an abundance of antelopes so the bush men knew they entered good hunting ground. 
The Spitzkoppe area is pretty arid so one can still admire those paintings today. The paint was made of animal blood, clay and different herbs and plants and has survived the centuries on the stone. 

When climbing on a rock, one had stunning views out on the plains. The vaste and open space of Namibia never stopped to amaze me on this feels so little in this world....

Eventually, we found a beautiful spot to watch the sunset from...with a cold Savanna Cider after a hot day...simply perfection....
...more pictures to come....

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